Life was benign.
Or so my younger self thought
But not anymore.
Life can be many things.
A multiplicity of perceptions,
Muse for inventions,
Heaven on earth
Or hell.
Can offer inspiration,
Or absorb motivation,
Like an all-consuming black hole.
Perhaps it’s individuals who determine their lot,
Or fate; or some kind of God.
And yet
There can sometimes be
Such swells of cruelty,
A noticeable absence of love.
What happened to the little acts of kindness?
Or were they never there?
Was it the world that changed –
Or us?
Past poets point to an overwhelming question,
But never reveal what it is.
Can we leave it to chance:
Hold up our hands
And acknowledge we have no say
In what becomes of us?
That we are powerless against fate,
Fate not enslaved to love or to hate
But to that wheel of fortune
That sends reeling
The world seen through individual eyes.
Life is many things:
A sequence of scenes
And quilted memories
Stitched together
At their edges.
Life is
A bouquet of time, as spheres collide,
But something it never was
Is benign.